The Elk Grove Artists is an organization of local artists and art supporters dedicated to the study and production of fine art. EGA’s efforts continue to raise awareness and showcase the arts and creative industries existing in our community. Through supporting art exhibits the surrounding not only the visual arts but include all genres of art through community involvement. These goals are accomplished by;
Our primary goal is to offer programs and training opportunities that enhance the study and production of fine art. Every effort is made to sponsor and/or participate in art events that raise awareness of the all artists’ genres including visual arts through the arts and business community involvement.
The Elk Grove Artists Board of Directors sets the tempo for the year by determining speakers for our meetings, preparing for our art shows and various high school art competition, as well as ensuring that the organization remains viable for promoting arts in the future. Board members serve for two years in their respective capacity.
Fellow Artists and Art Enthusiasts,
I am honored to be the President of The Elk Grove Artists (EGA). I would like to thank the past presidents and each past EGA Director and Officer, and the members who helped to make The Elk Grove Artists the best artists' association, ever! I would also like to acknowledge each president for the outstanding dedication, fortitude, leadership, foresight and creativity. I look forward to working with our new Board of Directors and officers, and the new and old members who comprise The Elk Grove Artists.
My main goal in the coming year is to elevate the visibility of EGA's artistic expertise and award-winning artists, in the community. With that in mind, the work of EGA's Directors, Officers and Committee Chairs is already under way. We recognize that the arts are fundamental to our lives and endeavors fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. Artists value the ability to express their creative skills in their work and we want to encourage them and assist them to show their work where others can view it. Periodic updates and developments will be announced as they unfold regarding the following pursuits:
Adding benefits to EGA memberships and developing new ways to add variety to, and introducing new kinds of activities for members' learning and growth opportunities, as artists. Watch us on Facebook and join us on updates and events. Watch for our members' art.
Establishing a members' information service about upcoming competitions and exhibit opportunities throughout the region and beyond, as well as how-to enter and prepare their work for shows and art competitions.
Developing a membership campaign around a value-added membership program encouraging participation in TAAP The Arts Advocacy Project in the surrounding community.
Maintaining the positive relationship enjoyed between the Elk Grove Artists and the Elk Grove Fine Arts Center to promote growth for both.
Strengthening EGA's participation in Elk Grove and surrounding community.
Exploring a collaboration of all Elk Grove area visual and performing arts interests, for advocacy of the arts, community-wide , TAAP, The Arts Advocacy project.
EGA's monthly meetings, Art-2-Hang program, and special events and activities throughout the year are the mainstays of EGA's programming. Their development and manner in which they will be implemented and publicized in the community will significantly affect the outcomes of EGA's ongoing performance, and greatly affect the outcomes of its main goal and objectives each year:
Program Schedule: This year's roster of speakers at our monthly membership meetings features an amazing variety of topics such as, Tissue Collage to award winning Photography, Encaustic and Photo Journaling, Water coloring techniques, Acrylics, Oils, Pastels and Drawing. One of our most popular events is our October meeting. At this meeting, our membership's artwork will be critiqued by an award-winning Master Artist. To see the full roster of speakers and the schedule, click on Program Schedule under the Meetings, Speakers and Events tab.
Art-2-Hang Program: EGA has a thriving ART 2 HANG PROGRAM where our members hang and sell their artwork in businesses located in Elk Grove and surrounding areas. Currently, several businesses have our artwork in their business establishments. This artwork is rotated routinely so it always stays fresh and exciting. This program is under the expert management an EGA award-winning artist. Businesses participating in this program will be recognized at City and the Chamber meetings throughout the year.
Gift Certificates are offered to attendees of the monthly Elk Grove Chamber Mixers' in the raffle program offered by the Chamber so that the business winners may sample the program for free in their business location for a limited time. This program gives our artists' the experience of having their art on display somewhere within the City at all times. See a full list of participating businesses under "Our Community" listing. Participating Artists’ artwork can be viewed on our HOME page.
A WORD TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY: If you would like to expand your customer base and would like your customers to enjoy works of art right in your place of business, contact our Art-2-Hang Program Director to join this tax-deductible program.
IF YOU ARE AN EGA MEMBER ARTIST and would like to display your artwork in a local business, contact the Art-2-Hang Program Director. Both the business and the artist benefit tremendously from this wonderful program and proceeds support the EGA Annual Educational Scholarship Program.
"Art of Excellence" competition program will show on the first weekend in May during the Annual Elk Grove Western Festival in the Elk Grove Park Pavilion. To participate, complete the Registration Form, located by clicking on the "Our Community" tab that also shows the contest rules. This event will feature artists from throughout the area. Members of EGA and EGFAC generally participate with at least one entry into this competition. This will be an exciting exhibit for the membership and monetary awards and ribbons will be earned again this year. Be sure to attend our spectacular and colorful show at the Elk Grove Western Festival this year.
Scholarship Program: The EGA High School Scholarship will be awarded in May of each year. Please go to Scholarship under "Our Community" to find the link that will take you to The Elk Grove Regional Scholarship Foundation. There is a link to the Form and/or to request information on our scholarship program.
We thank each of our EGA members for their past and ongoing support. If it so happens you are not an EGA member, we invite you to visit us at one of monthly our meetings for free. We have outstanding artist presenters at each meeting, and refreshments are served. Come see for yourself! There is a nominal annual membership fee to join. Full membership details can be found under Membership on our website. I look forward to a very positive year and hope you will join us as we progress in our mission to raise awareness of the visual arts in the Elk Grove community.
Young at Art,
Jim Matwiczak, President 2018
The Elk Grove Artists